Chapter 1 |
The apostle's salutation (1:1-5) |
Paul is distressed that they have so quickly turned from him and his gospel (1:6-7) |
And denounces those who preach any other gospel (1:8-10) |
Which he has learned, not from men, but from God (1:11-13) |
Paul confesses what he was before his calling (1:14-16) |
And what he did thereafter (1:17-24) |
Chapter 2 |
He shows the purpose of his next visit to Jerusalem (2:1-2) |
And why Titus was not circumcised (2:3-10) |
How Paul resisted Peter, and told him the reason (2:11-13) |
Why he and other Jews who believe in Christ are justified by faith, and not by works (2:14-19) |
And that those who are thus justified do not live in sin (2:20-21) |
Chapter 3 |
Paul asks what has caused the Galatians to leave the faith and rely on the law (3:1-5) |
Those who believe are justified (3:6-8) |
And blessed with Abraham (3:9) |
He offers several proofs of this truth (3:10-29) |
Chapter 4 |
We were under the law as the minor heir is under his guardian (4:1-4) |
Until Christ freed us (4:5-6) |
Therefore, we are no longer servants to it (4:7-13) |
He remembers the Galatians' good will (4:14-21) |
And shows that we are children of Abraham (4:22-27) |
By the free woman (4:28-31) |
Chapter 5 |
He encourages them to stand fast in their freedom (5:1-2) |
Living by faith (5:3-12) |
But rather love, which sums up the law (5:13-18) |
He totals up the works of the flesh (5:19-21) |
And the fruits of the Spirit (5:22-24) |
And exhorts them to walk in the Spirit (5:25-26) |
Chapter 6 |
He prescribes leniency for a brother who has erred (6:1) |
And urges bearing one another's burdens (6:2-5) |
The church must support its teachers (6:6-8) |
And be tireless in doing good (6:9-11) |
Paul shows the purpose of those who preached circumcision (6:12-13) |
And glories in nothing except the cross of Christ (6:14-18) |
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Chapter 1 |
Paul salutes the Ephesians (1:1-2) |
And gives thanks for spiritual blessings (1:3) |
He deals with the Christians' election (1:4-5) |
And adoption by grace (1:6-12) |
The Holy Spirit is the guarantee of Christians' inheritance (1:13-15) |
He prays that the Ephesians may come (1:16-17) |
Into full knowledge of their inheritance (1:18-19) |
And possession of it through Christ (1:20-23) |
Chapter 2 |
By comparing what we were by nature (2:1-4) |
With what we are by grace (2:5-9) |
He declares that we are created for good works (2:10-12) |
And, being brought near by Christ, should live (2:13-15) |
Reconciled to God by the cross (2:16-18) |
As fellow-citizens with the saints and the family of God (2:19-22) |
Chapter 3 |
By revelation, Paul learned (3:1-4) |
The hidden mystery (3:5) |
That the Gentiles should be saved (3:6-7) |
And grace was given him (3:8) |
That he should preach it (3:9-12) |
He does not want them to lose heart over his troubles (3:13) |
And prays (3:14-18) |
That they may understand the great love Christ has for them (3:19-21) |
Chapter 4 |
He pleads for unity of the Spirit (4:1-6) |
And declares that God gives varied gifts to men (4:7-12) |
That His church may be built up (4:13-15) |
And become mature in Christ (4:16-17) |
He calls them away from the licentious living of the Gentiles (4:18-22) |
They are to take on a new nature (4:23-24) |
To be truthful and constructive in their speech (4:25-29) |
Grieve not the Holy Spirit (4:30-32) |
Chapter 5 |
After specific pleas, to love (5:1-2) |
To flee fornication (5:3) |
And all other uncleanness (5:4-6) |
Not to associate with the wicked (5:7-14) |
To walk discreetly (5:15-17) |
And to be filled with the Spirit (5:18-21) |
Paul comes to other particular duties: that wives should obey their husbands (5:22-27) |
And husbands should love their wives (5:28-31) |
Even as Christ loves His church (5:32-33) |
Chapter 6 |
The duty of children to their parents (6:1-4) |
Of servants to their masters (6:5-11) |
Our life is a warfare, not only against flesh and blood, but also spiritual enemies (6:12) |
The complete armor of a Christian (6:13-17) |
And how it should be used (6:18-20) |
Tychicus is commended (6:21-24) |
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Chapter 1 |
The Christians at Philippi are greeted by Paul and Timothy (1:1-2) |
Paul's thankfulness to God and his love for the Philippians (1:3-8) |
He prays for their spiritual growth (1:9-11) |
What has happened to Paul resulted only in advancing the gospel (1:12-18) |
He is confident in hope (1:19-27) |
He counsels his readers to have courage (1:28-30) |
Chapter 2 |
Paul's exhortation of humility (2:1-4) |
Christ's humility (2:5-11) |
A Christian's obligations (2:12-15) |
Paul's sacrifice a cause for joy (2:16-18) |
He promises to send them Timothy, and hopes to come himself (2:19-24) |
Meanwhile, Epaphroditus will return to them at once (2:25-30) |
Chapter 3 |
Paul warns his readers to beware of confidence in the flesh (3:1-3) |
And confesses that in his former life he was foremost in Pharisaic zeal (3:4-6) |
But he has put aside his youthful advantages in order to gain Christ and the righteousness of faith (3:7-11) |
He strives to overcome his own imperfections (3:12-14) |
And exhorts the Philippians to think and act as mature persons (3:15-17) |
And to discard the ways of worldly Christians (3:18-21) |
Chapter 4 |
Peace with the brethren (4:1-3) |
Peace with the Lord (4:4-9) |
Paul tells how much he appreciated the Philippians' liberality to him in prison (4:10-18) |
He closes his letter with prayer and salutations (4:19-23) |
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Chapter 1 |
Paul thanks God for the faith of the Colossians (1:1-6) |
Confirms the teachings of Epaphras (1:7-8) |
Prays again for their growth in grace (1:9-13) |
Describes the true Christ (1:14-20) |
Encourages them to receive Jesus Christ (1:21-24) |
And commends his own ministry (1:25-29) |
Chapter 2 |
He exhorts them to stand firm in the Christian faith (2:1-7) |
To beware of philosophy and human traditions (2:8-17) |
And the worship of angels (2:18-19) |
And legal ceremonies, which Christ ended (2:20-23) |
Chapter 3 |
He shows why we should seek Christ (3:1-4) |
He exhorts them to subdue their own desires (3:5-8) |
To put off the old man, and to put on Christ (3:9-11) |
encouraging them to humility, love, and other duties (3:12-17) |
Holiness in the Family life (3:18-21) |
Holiness in work life (3:22-25) |
Chapter 4 |
He exhorts them to be fervent in prayer (4:1-4) |
To walk wisely toward those who have not yet come to the true knowledge of Christ (4:5-9) |
He salutes them, and asks their prayers (4:10-18) |
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Chapter 1 |
Paul remembers the Thessalonians at all times in thanksgiving and prayer (1:1-4) |
The sincerity of their faith and the power of the gospel among them are widely known (1:5-10) |
Chapter 2 |
He recounts to the Thessalonians the manner in which the gospel was preached to them (2:1-16) |
Paul gives a reason for being away from them so long and tells why he has been so anxious to see them (2:17-20) |
Chapter 3 |
His love for the Thessalonians was demonstrated when he sent Timothy to them (3:1-10) |
He prays for their spiritual growth (3:11-13) |
Chapter 4 |
He exhorts them to please God in their lives, and especially to value purity (4:1-8) |
To love one another (4:9-10) |
And quietly to mind their own affairs, thereby commanding the respect of outsiders (4:11-12) |
They are not to grieve hopelessly for the dead (4:13-15) |
The manner of Christ's second coming, and its effect on His followers (4:16-18) |
Chapter 5 |
Paul warns the Thessalonians of the suddenness of Christ's return (5:1-15) |
And gives them some practical precepts (5:16-22) |
He prays for their sanctification (5:23-24) |
Asks prayers for himself, and sends greetings (5:25-28) |
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Chapter 1 |
Paul assures the Thessalonians of his good opinion of their faith, love, and steadfastness (1:1-4) |
He comforts them in their persecution, telling them of God's righteous judgment on their enemies (1:5-10) |
He prays that they may be found worthy of Christ's name (1:11-12) |
Chapter 2 |
The apostle begs them to continue steadfast in the truth (2:1-2) |
And shows that there will be rebellion as the man of lawlessness appears (2:3-8) |
The pretended miracles of this will deceive only those who love error (2:9-14) |
He repeats his earlier counsel to stand fast and prays for their encouragement (2:15-17) |
Chapter 3 |
He asks their prayers for himself (3:1-2) |
And declares his confidence in them (3:3-5) |
Charging them especially to avoid idleness and bad company (3:6-15) |
Paul concludes his letter with prayers and a blessing (3:16-18) |
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Chapter 1 |
Timothy is reminded of the charge Paul gave him as the apostle left for Macedonia (1:1-4) |
Of the right use and purpose of the law (1:5-10) |
Paul's call to be an apostle (1:11-19) |
Hymenaeus and Alexander (1:20) |
Chapter 2 |
It is proper to pray and give thanks for all men (2:1-8) |
Women are urged to modesty in dress and behavior (2:9-15) |
Chapter 3 |
Qualifications of bishops, deacons, and their wives (3:1-13) |
The purpose of Paul's writing to Timothy about these things (3:14-16) |
Chapter 4 |
Paul foretells a departure from the faith in later times (4:1-5) |
He gives Timothy sound advice on how to be a good minister (4:6-12) |
Public reading of Scripture, and other duties (4:13-16) |
Chapter 5 |
Rules to be observed in reproof (5:1-3) |
Concerning widows (5:4-16) |
Concerning elders (5:17-22) |
Advice for Timothy's health (5:23) |
Men's sins and good deeds (5:24-25) |
Chapter 6 |
The duty of servants (6:1-2) |
Avoid the company of unreliable teachers (6:3-5) |
Godliness is great gain (6:6-9) |
And love of money the root of all evils (6:10) |
Which things Timothy must shun, and which he must do (6:11-16) |
How he should admonish the rich (6:17-19) |
Timothy is commanded to guard the true teachings entrusted to him (6:20-21) |
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Chapter 1 |
Paul's love and Thanksgiving for Timothy's Faith and his family (1:1-5) |
He asks Timothy to stir up the gift of God in him (1:6-7) |
To be steadfast and patient in persecution (1:8-12) |
And to hold fast to the truth of Paul's teachings (1:13-14) |
Phygellus and Hermogenes are mentioned and Onesiphorus is highly commended (1:15-18) |
Chapter 2 |
Discipling teacher (2:1-2) |
Single-minded soldier (2:3-5) |
Enduring husbandman (2:6-13) |
Diligent workman (2:14-19) |
Sanctified vessel (2:20-23) |
Gentle servant (2:24-26) |
Chapter 3 |
Paul warns Timothy of coming times of stress and apostasy (3:1-9) |
He offers himself as an example worthy of imitation (3:10-13) |
And recommends the Scriptures for guidance (3:14-17) |
Chapter 4 |
The duties of a minister (4:1-5) |
Paul urges Timothy to come quickly (4:6-8) |
Paul's situation in prison (4:9-18) |
Paul's last written blessing (4:19-22) |
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Chapter 1 |
Why Titus was left in Crete (1:1-5) |
The qualifications of those chosen as ministers (1:6-9) |
Evil teachers are to be silenced (1:10-11) |
A description of them (1:12-16) |
Chapter 2 |
Directions are given to Titus for his teachings and life (2:1-12) |
We look for that blessed hope of Christ appearing in glory (2:13-15) |
Chapter 3 |
Farther directions as to the things Titus should and should not teach (3:1-11) |
Paul names the time and place where Titus is to meet him, and concludes the letter (3:12-15) |
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Paul rejoices to hear of the faith and love of Philemon (1:1-7) |
Whom he asks to forgive his servant Onesimus, and to receive him again in Christian love (1:8-12) |
Onesimus could have helped by staying with Paul (1:13-17) |
Who will assume responsibility for his debts (1:18-19) |
The apostle's confidence in Philemon (1:21-25) |
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Chapter 1 |
God has spoken to us through Christ, His Son (1:1-3) |
Who is superior to the angels, as shown by seven passages of Scripture (1:4-14) |
Chapter 2 |
We must guard against inattention and neglect of God's message through His Son (2:1-4) |
God's new order and His gifts to man (2:5-13) |
Christ shared man's mortal nature, that by His dying men might be freed from death (2:14-18) |
Chapter 3 |
The church is shown how Christ is above Moses (3:1-6) |
And warned against unbelief (3:7-11) |
By the example of those who fell in the wilderness (3:12-19) |
Chapter 4 |
God's promise of a sabbath rest remains today (4:1-11) |
The power of God's Word (4:12-13) |
Jesus, our High priest (4:14) |
Understands and sympathizes with our weaknesses, for He has been tempted as we have (4:15-16) |
Chapter 5 |
God appointed His Son to be High Priest and Saviour, as shown in the Scriptures (5:1-10) |
The truth of this should be understood by mature Christians (5:11-14) |
Chapter 6 |
These Christians are warned against backsliding (6:1-8) |
We are encouraged to imitate those who have inherited the promises of God (6:9-12) |
And assured that God is unchangeable in His promise (6:13-20) |
Chapter 7 |
The character of Melchisedec (7:1-3) |
His priesthood compared with that of Levi (7:4-10) |
A new law and a new priesthood (7:11-14) |
After the order of Melchisedec (7:15-22) |
The eternal priesthood of Christ (7:23-28) |
Chapter 8 |
Christ's ministry from the heavenly tabernacle (8:1-5) |
The new covenant foretold by Jeremiah (8:6-12) |
Replaces the old (8:13) |
Chapter 9 |
The earthly priesthood (9:1-10) |
Christ's priesthood and sacrifice (9:11-14) |
Fulfill the promise of the new covenant (9:15-28) |
Chapter 10 |
The weakness of sacrifices under the law (10:1-9) |
The sacrifice of Christ's body, offered once, was to cleanse us of our sins forever (10:10-18) |
We must hold fast to faith (10:19-25) |
And not reject Christ's perfect sacrifice (10:26-39) |
Chapter 11 |
What faith is (11:1-5) |
Without faith we cannot please God (11:6) |
The worthy fruits of faith are seen in works of the early fathers (11:7-40) |
Chapter 12 |
We must persevere in our purpose (12:1-2) |
Submitting to parental discipline (12:3-11) |
The penalty of disobedience (12:12-24) |
A warning not to reject God's Word (12:25-27) |
Assurance that we cannot be shaken (12:28-29) |
Chapter 13 |
The spirit of Christian love (13:1-3) |
The sanctity of marriage (13:4) |
Concerning love of money (13:5-6) |
Imitate your teachers (13:7-8) |
False doctrines (13:9-11) |
Confess Christ (13:12-14) |
Thanksgiving and sharing (13:15-16) |
Christian leadership (13:17-19) |
A pastoral prayer and personal greetings (13:20-25) |