Chapter 1
Isaiah speaks of Judah's rebellion (1:1-4) |
He laments God's judgment on the people (1:5-9) |
He reproves all their services (1:10-15) |
He exhorts them to repentance, with promises and threatenings (1:16-20) |
He bewails Judah's wickedness, and foretells God's judgments (1:21-24) |
He promises grace (1:25-27) |
But threatens destruction to the wicked (1:28-31) |
Chapter 2
Isaiah prophesies the coming of Christ's kingdom (2:1-5) |
The people forsaken because of their wickedness (2:6-9) |
He exhorts them to fear the power of God's majesty (2:10-22) |
Chapter 3
The great confusion which comes by sin (3:1-8) |
The impudence of the people (3:9-11) |
The oppression and covetousness of the rulers (3:12-15) |
Judgments to come for the women's pride (3:16-26) |
Chapter 4
Christ's kingdom shall be a sanctuary (4:1-6) |
Chapter 5
The parable of the vineyard (5:1-7) |
God's judgments upon covetousness (5:8-12) |
Upon impiety (5:13-19) |
And upon injustice (5:20-25) |
The execution of God's judgments (5:26-30) |
Chapter 6
Isaiah's vision of the Lord's glory (6:1-8) |
He shows that the obstinacy of the people is the cause of their desolation (6:9-12) |
A remnant shall be saved (6:13) |
Chapter 7
Ahaz, being troubled with fear of Rezin and Pekah, is comforted by Isaiah (7:1-9) |
Ahaz is free to choose a sign but refuses it (7:10-13) |
He is given the promise of Christ (7:14-16) |
God's judgment, it is prophesied, is to come at the hands of Assyria (7:17-25) |
Chapter 8
In Maher-shalal-hash-baz, he prophesies that Syria and Israel shall be subdued by Assyria (8:1-4) |
Judah shall be overcome because of infidelity (8:5-8) |
God's judgments shall not be resisted (8:9-10) |
Comfort shall be given to those who fear God (8:11-18) |
Great afflictions to idolaters (8:19-22) |
Chapter 9
There shall be joy in the midst of afflictions, through the kingdom and birth of Christ (9:1-7) |
Judgments upon Israel for pride (9:8-12) |
For hypocrisy (9:13-17) |
And for impenitence (9:18-21) |
Chapter 10
The woe of tyrants (10:1-4) |
Assyria, the rod of hypocrites, shall be broken (10:5-19) |
A remnant of Israel shall be saved (10:20-23) |
Israel is comforted with the promise of deliverance from Assyria's subjugation (10:24-34) |
Chapter 11
The peaceable kingdom of the Branch out of the root of Jesse (11:1-9) |
The victorious restoration of Israel, and calling of the Gentiles (11:10-16) |
Chapter 12
A joyful thanksgiving of the faithful for the mercies of God (12:1-6) |
Chapter 13
God musters the armies of His wrath (13:1-5) |
He threatens destruction of Babylon by the Medes (13:6-18) |
The desolation of Babylon (13:19-22) |
Chapter 14
God's merciful restoration of Israel (14:1-23) |
God's purpose against Assyria (14:24-28) |
Palestina (Palestine) is threatened (14:29-32) |
Chapter 15
The lamentable state of Moab (15:1-9) |
Chapter 16
Moab is exhorted to yield obedience to Christ's kingdom (16:1-5) |
Moab is threatened for the people's pride (16:6-8) |
The prophet's complaint (16:9-11) |
The judgment of Moab (16:12-14) |
Chapter 17
Syria and Israel are threatened (17:1-5) |
A remnant shall forsake idolatry (17:6-8) |
The rest shall be plagued for their impiety (17:9-11) |
The woe of Israel's enemy (17:12-14) |
Chapter 18
In care of His people, God will destroy the Ethiopians (18:1-7) |
Chapter 19
The confusion of Egypt (19:1-10) |
The foolishness of their princes (19:11-17) |
The calling of Egypt to the church (19:18-22) |
The covenant of Egypt, Assyria and Israel (19:23-25) |
Chapter 20
The captivity of Egypt and Ethiopia foretold (20:1-6) |
Chapter 21
The prophet, in a vision, sees the fall of Babylon (21:1-10) |
Dumah's concern (21:11-12) |
Arabia's calamity foretold (21:13-17) |
Chapter 22
The prophet laments the invasion of Jerusalem by the Persians (22:1-7) |
He reproves their human wisdom and worldly joy (22:8-14) |
He prophesies Shebna's dismissal from his station (22:15-19) |
And Eliakim, prefiguring the kingdom of Christ, as his successor (22:20-25) |
Chapter 23
The miserable overthrow of Tyre is prophesied (23:1-16) |
Tyre's unhappy return (23:17-18) |
Chapter 24
The doleful judgments of God upon the land (24:1-5) |
The devouring curse (24:6-12) |
A remnant shall joyfully praise him (24:13-15) |
God in His judgments will advance His kingdom (24:16-23) |
Chapter 25
The prophet praises God, for His judgments (25:1-5) |
For His saving benefits (25:6-8) |
And for His victorious salvation (25:9-12) |
Chapter 26
A song of confidence in God (26:1-4) |
For His judgments (26:5-11) |
And for His favor to His people (26:12-19) |
An exhortation to wait on God (26:20-21) |
Chapter 27
The care of God over His vineyard (27:1-6) |
His chastisements differ from judgments (27:7-11) |
The church of Jews and Gentiles (27:12-13) |
Chapter 28
The prophet threatens Ephraim for pride and drunkenness (28:1-4) |
Those remaining will be advanced in the kingdom of Christ (28:5-6) |
The prophet rebukes their error (28:7-8) |
Their reluctance to learn (28:9-13) |
And their false security (28:14-15) |
Christ, the sure foundation, is promised (28:16-17) |
The Ephraimites' security will be tested (28:18-22) |
They are urged to consider God's providence (28:23-29) |
Chapter 29
God's heavy judgment upon Jerusalem (29:1-6) |
Zion's insatiable enemies (29:7-8) |
The senselessness (29:9-12) |
And deep hypocrisy of the Jews (29:13-17) |
A promise of sanctification to the godly (29:18-23) |
And understanding to the erring (29:24) |
Chapter 30
The prophet threatens the people for their confidence in Egypt (30:1-7) |
And contempt of God's word (30:8-17) |
God's mercies toward His church (30:18-26) |
God's wrath, and the people's joy in the destruction of Assyria (30:27-33) |
Chapter 31
The prophet shows the cursed folly in trusting Egypt and forsaking God (31:1-3) |
God will defend and deliver Jerusalem (31:4-5) |
He exhorts the Jews to conversion (31:6-7) |
He foretells the fall of Assyria (31:8-9) |
Chapter 32
The blessings of Christ's kingdom (32:1-8) |
Desolation is foretold (32:9-14) |
But restoration is promised (32:15-20) |
Chapter 33
God's judgments against the enemies of the church (33:1-12) |
The privileges of the godly (33:13-24) |
Chapter 34
The judgments with which God avenges His church (34:1-10) |
The desolation of the enemies of the church (34:11-15) |
The certainty of the prophecy (34:16-17) |
Chapter 35
The joyful flourishing of Christ's kingdom (35:1-2) |
The weak are encouraged by the virtues and privileges of the gospel (35:3-10) |
Chapter 36
Sennacherib invades Judah (36:1-3) |
Rabshakeh, sent by Sennacherib, fails to incite the people to revolt (36:4-21) |
His blasphemy is reported to Hezekiah (36:22) |
Chapter 37
Hezekiah, mourning, bids Isaiah to pray for them (37:1-5) |
Isaiah comforts them (37:6-7) |
Sennacherib, going to encounter Tirhakah, sends a blasphemous letter to Hezekiah (37:8-13) |
Hezekiah's prayer (37:14-20) |
Isaiah's prophecy of the destruction of Sennacherib (37:21-35) |
An angel slays the Assyrians (37:36) |
Sennacherib is slain at Nineveh by his own sons (37:37-38) |
Chapter 38
Hezekiah's death is foretold, but his life is lengthened through prayer (38:1-7) |
The sun's shadow goes ten degrees backward, as a sign of that promise (38:8) |
His song of thanksgiving (38:9-22) |
Chapter 39
Merodach-baladan sends visitors to Hezekiah to examine his treasures (39:1-2) |
Isaiah learns of this and foretells the Babylonian captivity (39:3-8) |
Chapter 40
The proclaimation of the gospel (40:1-2) |
The preaching of John the Baptist (40:3-8) |
The preaching of the apostles (40:9-11) |
The prophet, by the omnipotence of God (40:12-17) |
and because He is incomparable, comforts the people (40:18-31) |
Chapter 41
God reasons earnestly with His people about His mercies to the church (41:1-9) |
About His promises (41:10-20) |
And about the vanity of idols (41:21-29) |
Chapter 42
The work of Christ, graced with meekness and constancy (42:1-4) |
God's promise to Christ (42:5-9) |
An exhortation to praise God for His gospel (42:10-16) |
He reproves the people for unbelief (42:17-25) |
Chapter 43
The Lord comforts the church with His promises (43:1-7) |
He appeals to the people for witness of His omnipotence (43:8-13) |
He foretells the destruction of Babylon (43:14-17) |
And His wonderful deliverance of His people (43:18-21) |
He reproves the people (43:22-28) |
Chapter 44
God comforts the church with His promises (44:1-5) |
The vanity of idols, and folly of idol-makers (44:6-20) |
He exhorts His people to praise (44:21-28) |
Chapter 45
God calls Cyrus for His church's sake (45:1-4) |
By His omnipotence He commands obedience (45:5-19) |
He shows the vanity of idols (45:20-25) |
Chapter 46
The idols of Babylon cannot save themselves (46:1-2) |
God saves His people to the end (46:3-4) |
Idols are not comparable to God for power (46:5-11) |
Or present salvation (46:12-13) |
Chapter 47
God's judgment upon Babylon and Chaldea (47:1-5) |
For merciless cruelty (47:6) |
Pride (47:7-9) |
And excessive wickedness (47:10) |
Shall be inexorable (47:11-15) |
Chapter 48
God foreknows the people's obstinacy, yet reveals His prophecies (48:1-8) |
He saves them for His own sake (48:9-11) |
He exhorts them to obedience, because of His power and providence (48:12-15) |
He laments their backwardness (48:16-19) |
He will deliver His people out of Babylon (48:20-22) |
Chapter 49
Christ, being sent to the Jews, speaks of them (49:1-4) |
He is sent to the Gentiles with gracious promises (49:5-12) |
God's love for His church is perpetual (49:13-17) |
The restoration of the church (49:18-23) |
The powerful deliverance out of captivity (49:24-26) |
Chapter 50
Christ shows that He is not to be charged with abandoning the Jews, by reason of His ability to save (50:1-4) |
His obedience in that work (50:5-6) |
And His confidence in that assistance (50:7-9) |
An exhortation to trust in God, and not in ourselves (50:10-11) |
Chapter 51
An exhortation from the example of Abraham, to trust in Christ (51:1-2) |
By reason of His comforting promises (51:3) |
Of His righteous salvation (51:4-6) |
And man's mortality (51:7-8) |
Christ defends His own from the fear of man (51:9-16) |
He bewails the afflictions of Jerusalem (51:17-20) |
And promises deliverance (51:21-23) |
Chapter 52
Christ persuades the church to believe in His free redemption (52:1-6) |
To receive its ministers (52:7-8) |
To rejoice in its power (52:9-10) |
And to free themselves from bondage (52:11-12) |
Christ's kingdom shall be exalted (52:13-15) |
Chapter 53
The prophet, complaining of unbelief, gives reasons for the shame of the cross (53:1-3) |
Christ's passion foretold (53:4-9) |
And the sacrifice of the Righteous Servant (53:10-12) |
Chapter 54
The prophet, for the comfort of the Gentiles, foretells the greatness of their church (54:1-3) |
Their safety (54:4-5) |
Their certain deliverance out of affliction (54:6-10) |
Their prosperity (54:11-14) |
And their preservation (54:15-16) |
Their heritage (54:17) |
Chapter 55
By the promises of Christ, the prophet calls the people to faith (55:1-5) |
And to repentance (55:6-7) |
The happy success of those who believe (55:8-13) |
Chapter 56
The prophet exhorts the people to sanctification (56:1-2) |
He promises that acceptance by God will be general, without respect to persons (56:3-8) |
He denounces blind watchmen (56:9-12) |
Chapter 57
The blessed death of the righteous (57:1-2) |
God reproves the Jews for their idolatry (57:3-12) |
He promises forgiveness to the penitent (57:13-21) |
Chapter 58
The prophet is sent to reprove hypocrisy (58:1-2) |
He describes a counterfeit fast, and a true one (58:3-7) |
The rewards of godliness (58:8-12) |
And keeping the Sabbath (58:13-14) |
Chapter 59
The outrageous nature of sin (59:1-2) |
The sins of the Jews (59:3-8) |
Calamity is punishment for sin (59:9-15) |
Salvation is only of God (59:16-19) |
The covenant of the Redeemer (59:20-21) |
Chapter 60
The glory of the church (60:1-14) |
And her great blessings after affliction (60:15-22) |
Chapter 61
The work of Christ (61:1-3) |
The preferment (61:4-6) |
And blessings of the faithful (61:7-11) |
Chapter 62
The fervent desire of the prophet to confirm the church in God's promises (62:1-4) |
The work of ministers in preaching the gospel (62:5-9) |
And preparing the people for it (62:10-12) |
Chapter 63
Christ shows who He is (63:1) |
His victory over His enemies (63:2-6) |
And His mercy toward His church (63:7-9) |
In just wrath He remembers His free mercy (63:10-14) |
The church in its prayer (63:15-16) |
And complaint, professes its faith (63:17-19) |
Chapter 64
The church prays for a sign of God's power (64:1-4) |
Praising God's mercy, it makes confession of natural corruptions (64:5-12) |
Chapter 65
The calling of the Gentiles (65:1) |
The Jews, for their unbelief, idolatry and hypocrisy, are rejected (65:2-7) |
A remnant shall be saved (65:8-10) |
Judgments of the wicked, and blessings on the godly (65:11-16) |
The happy state of the new Jerusalem (65:17-25) |
Chapter 66
God will be served in humble sincerity (66:1-4) |
He comforts the humble with marvels (66:5-9) |
And with the gracious benefits of the church (66:10-14) |
God's severe judgments against the wicked (66:15-18) |
The Gentiles shall have a holy church, and see the damnation of the wicked (66:19-24) |