Chapter 1 |
We are to rejoice under trials (1:1-4) |
To ask wisdom of God (1:5-11) |
And in time of trial not to blame Him for our weakness or our sins (1:12-17) |
We must hear the saving message (1:18-21) |
And act accordingly (1:22-25) |
The mark of a truly religious man (1:26-27) |
Chapter 2 |
The true Christian does not show partiality to the rich (2:1-5) |
And dishonor to the poor (2:6-13) |
Faith without good deeds (2:14-16) |
Is but a dead faith (2:17-18) |
And the faith of demons (2:19-20) |
The faith and works of Abraham (2:21-24) |
And of Rahab (2:25-26) |
Chapter 3 |
We govern our bodies, as the bit controls a horse (3:1-4) |
The power and danger of the tongue (3:5-8) |
It is an instrument for blessing or cursing (3:9-12) |
The truly wise are pure and peaceable, without jealousy or selfish ambition (3:13-18) |
Chapter 4 |
We are to struggle against covetousness (4:1-3) |
Against intemperance (4:4) |
And pride (4:5-10) |
Against belittling others and passing rash judgments on our neighbors (4:11-12) |
And, mindful of the uncertainty of life, to commit ourselves and our affairs to God's providence (4:13-17) |
Chapter 5 |
Wicked rich men are to fear God's punishment (5:1-6) |
We ought to be patient in afflictions, after the example of the prophets and Job (5:7-11) |
To give up swearing (5:12) |
To pray in adversity, to sing in prosperity (5:13-15) |
To acknowledge mutually our various faults, to pray one for another (5:16-18) |
And to convert any straying brother (5:19-20) |
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Chapter 1 |
Peter praises God for His many mercies (1:1-9) |
Showing that salvation in Christ is a thing prophesied of old (1:10-12) |
He commands his readers to set their hope on God's mercy through Christ's revelation (1:13-25) |
Chapter 2 |
He dissuades them from evil intent (2:1-3) |
And urges them to be living stones of the spiritual house of which Christ is the cornerstone (2:4-10) |
He beseeches them to lead exemplary, upright lives (2:11-12) |
And to be obedient to civil authority (2:13-17) |
He teaches servants to obey their masters (2:18-19) |
Even suffering patiently for doing what is right, after the example of Christ (2:20-25) |
Chapter 3 |
Peter instructs wives and husbands concerning their duty to each other (3:1-7) |
He exhorts all men to unity and brotherly love (3:8-13) |
Revering Christ, even in persecution (3:14-18) |
He reveals Christ's power for salvation in earlier times as well as at present (3:19-22) |
Chapter 4 |
As Christ suffered for us in the flesh, we must follow His example (4:1-11) |
Peter warns them of trials to come (4:12-19) |
Chapter 5 |
He appeals to the elders to feed their flocks (5:1-4) |
To the younger men to obey the elders (5:5-7) |
And to all to be sober, watchful, and firm in the faith (5:8) |
They must resist their ruthless adversary, the devil (5:9-14) |
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Chapter 1 |
Growth promised by God's grace (1:1-4) |
Peter exhorts his readers to make their calling certain, by faith and other virtues (1:5-11) |
Of which he takes special care to remind them, knowing that his own death is at hand (1:12-15) |
He warns them to be constant in the faith of Christ, the true Son of God (1:16-21) |
Chapter 2 |
He foretells the coming of false teachers and the punishment to be given them and their followers (2:1-6) |
The godly shall be spared this punishment, as Lot was delivered out of Sodom (2:7-17) |
He describes more fully the habits of profane and blasphemous seducers (2:18-22) |
Chapter 3 |
Peter assures them that Christ will return (3:1-7) |
He tells the godly that God's long patience will hasten their repentance (3:8-9) |
He describes the manner in which the world will be destroyed (3:10) |
And exhorts them to holiness of life (3:11-14) |
And to consideration of God's patience in providing their salvation (3:15-18) |
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Chapter 1 |
John describes the purpose of his letter (1:1-4) |
We must make our lives a living testimony of our profession of faith (1:5-10) |
Chapter 2 |
Christ is our advocate (2:1-2) |
To know God is to keep His commandments (2:3-8) |
To love our brethren (2:9-14) |
And to shun the things of the world (2:15-17) |
Beware of seducers (2:18-19) |
From whose deceits the godly preserve themselves through perseverance in faith and holiness of life (2:20-29) |
Chapter 3 |
John declares the unique love of God toward us, in making us His children (3:1-2) |
We therefore ought to obey His commandments (3:3-10) |
And to live with each other in brotherly love (3:11-24) |
Chapter 4 |
He warns us to test all teachings before accepting them (4:1-6) |
He enumerates many reasons for showing brotherly love (4:7-21) |
Chapter 5 |
Those who love God love His children and keep His commandments (5:1-2) |
God's law, to the faithful, is not burdensome (5:3-8) |
We are witnesses of the Son of God (5:9-13) |
Our confidence in Christ (5:14-21) |
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John exhorts an honorable matron and her children to persevere in Christian love and belief (1:1-7) |
Lest they lose the reward of their profession of faith (1:8-9) |
They are to shun those non-believers who teach false doctrines (1:10-13) |
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The apostle commends Gaius for his piety (1:1-4) |
For his hospitality to the brethren (1:5-6) |
And for his support of true preachers (1:7-8) |
He complains of the malicious words and deeds of ambitious Diotrephes (1:9-10) |
And warns against following and evil example (1:11) |
He gives special testimony to the good character of Demetrius (1:12-14) |
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Jude exhorts his readers to be contenders for the faith (1:1-3) |
False teachers are seeking to pervert this faith (1:4-10) |
But severe punishment is prepared for them (1:11-18) |
The worldly start divisions (1:19) |
The godly persevere, grow in grace, and spread the gospel (1:20-25) |
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Chapter 1 |
John writes his revelation from Christ to the seven churches (1:1-6) |
The coming of Christ (1:7-11) |
His glorious power and majesty (1:12-20) |
Chapter 2 |
The things Christ tells John to write to the angel (minister) of the church in Ephesus (2:1-7) |
To the angel of the church in Smyrna (2:8-11) |
To the angel of the church in Pergamum (2:12-17) |
And to the angel of the church in Thyatira (2:18) |
Things commended (2:19) |
Things found lacking (2:20-24) |
The promise to the faithful (2:25-29) |
Chapter 3 |
The angel of the church in Sardis is reproved (3:1-2) |
Exhorted to obey and repent, thus escaping damnation (3:3-6) |
The angel of the church in Philadelphia (3:7-9) |
Is praised for diligence and patience (3:10-13) |
The angel of the church in Laodicea is rebuked for indifference (3:14-18) |
And admonished to be more zealous (3:19) |
Christ stands at the door and knocks (3:20-22) |
Chapter 4 |
John sees the throne of God in heaven (4:1-3) |
The twenty-four elders (4:4-5) |
The four beasts, full of eyes before and behind (4:6-9) |
The elders worship before the throne, and lay down their crowns (4:10-11) |
Chapter 5 |
The book sealed with seven seals (5:1-4) |
Which can be opened only by the Lamb who was slain (5:5-7) |
The elders confess that He redeemed them with His blood (5:8-10) |
Thousands of voices praise the Lamb (5:11-14) |
Chapter 6 |
Four seals are opened, each followed in turn by a rider (6:1) |
On a white horse (6:2-3) |
A red horse (6:4) |
A black horse (6:5-7) |
And a horse pale as Death (6:8-17) |
Chapter 7 |
The mark of the servants of God (7:1-3) |
The number of those who were marked (7:4-13) |
Their robes are washed in the blood of the Lamb (7:14-17) |
Chapter 8 |
At the opening of the seventh seal, seven angels receive seven trumpets (8:1-2) |
An angel mingles incense with the prayers of the saints on the golden altar (8:3-5) |
Four plagues begin at the trumpets' sound (8:6-13) |
Chapter 9 |
The plague of locusts swarms out of the bottomless pit (9:1-10) |
Apollyon, king of the locusts (9:11) |
The first woe is past (9:12) |
The sixth trumpet sounds (9:13) |
And four angels, who were bound, are set free (9:14-21) |
Chapter 10 |
John sees an angel with a book, and hears things he is forbidden to write (10:1-5) |
He swears, by Him who lives forever, that there shall be no more delay (10:6-7) |
John is commanded to eat the book (10:8-11) |
Chapter 11 |
The Lord's two witnesses prophesy (11:1-4) |
They are given many extraordinary powers (11:5-6) |
But the beast will overcome and kill them (11:7) |
They will lie unburied three and a half days (11:8-10) |
After which time they rise again (11:11-13) |
The second woe is past (11:14) |
The seventh trumpet sounds (11:15-19) |
Chapter 12 |
A woman clothed with the sun lies in travail (12:1-2) |
While a great red dragon stands ready to devour her child (12:3-4) |
After the child is born and caught up to God, she flees into the wilderness (12:5-6) |
Michael and his angels fight with the dragon (12:7-12) |
The dragon, cast to earth, persecutes the woman (12:13-17) |
Chapter 13 |
A beast arises out of the sea, and the dragon gives it his power (13:1-10) |
A second beast causes an image to be made of the first (13:11-14) |
He compels men to worship it, and receive its mark (13:15-17) |
The number of the beast (13:18) |
Chapter 14 |
The Lamb stands on Mount Sion with the company of His elect (14:1-5) |
An angel preaches the gospel (14:6-7) |
The fall of Babylon (14:8-14) |
The harvest of the earth (14:15-18) |
The winepress of God's wrath (14:19-20) |
Chapter 15 |
The seven angels with the seven last plagues (15:1-2) |
The song of those who have overcome the beast (15:3-6) |
The seven bowls full of God's wrath (15:7-8) |
Chapter 16 |
The angels pour out their bowls of wrath (16:1-5) |
The plagues that follow (16:6-16) |
The seventh angel pours out his bowl into the air (16:17-21) |
Chapter 17 |
A woman arrayed in purple and scarlet, with a golden cup in her hand, sits on a scarlet beast (17:1-4) |
She is Babylon, the mother of all abominations (17:5-8) |
The interpretation of the seven heads (17:9-11) |
And of the ten horns (17:12-13) |
The victory of the Lamb (17:14-15) |
The punishment of the woman (17:16-18) |
Chapter 18 |
Babylon falls (18:1-3) |
God's people are commanded to depart from the city (18:4-8) |
The wicked kings of the earth mourn for Babylon (18:9-10) |
The merchants and mariners also mourn (18:11-19) |
The saints rejoice at the judgments of God upon her (18:20-24) |
Chapter 19 |
The heavenly hosts praise God (19:1-6) |
The marriage of the Lamb (19:7-9) |
The angel refuses to be worshipped (19:10-16) |
The great slaughter (19:17-21) |
Chapter 20 |
Satan is bound for a thousand years (20:1-5) |
The happy state of those who have part in the first resurrection (20:6) |
Satan is turned loose again (20:7) |
Gog and Magog (20:8-9) |
The devil is cast into the lake of fire and brimstone (20:10-11) |
The last judgment (20:12-15) |
Chapter 21 |
A new heaven and a new earth (21:1-9) |
The heavenly Jerusalem is fully described (21:10-22) |
The city needs no sun, for God's glory is its light (21:23) |
Kings of the earth will bring honor there (21:24-27) |
Chapter 22 |
The river of the water of life (22:1) |
The tree of life (22:2-4) |
The light of His city is God Himself (22:5-6) |
The angel refused to be worshipped (22:9-17) |
Nothing shall be added to this book, nor taken from it (22:18-21) |