Chapter 1 |
The plague of locust. Joel, declaring various judgments of God, exhorts Judah (1:1-7) |
And to mourn (1:8-13) |
He prescribes fasting and calling on God (1:14-20) |
Chapter 2 |
He shows God's judgment of Zion (2:1-11) |
He exhorts Judah to repent (2:12-14) |
Prescribes a fast (2:15-17) |
Promises a blessing (2:18-20) |
He comforts Zion with present (2:21-27) |
And future blessings (2:28-32) |
Chapter 3 |
God's judgments on the enemies of His people (3:1-8) |
God will be known in His judgment (3:9-17) |
His blessing upon the church (3:18-21) |
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Chapter 1 |
Amos foretells God's judgment upon Syria (1:1-5) |
Upon the Philistines (1:6-8) |
Upon Tyrus (Tyre) (1:9-10) |
Upon Edom (1:11-12) |
Upon Ammon (1:13-15) |
Chapter 2 |
God's wrath against Moab (2:1-3) |
Against Judah (2:4-5) |
And against Israel (2:6-8) |
God complains of their unthankfulness (2:9-16) |
Chapter 3 |
The necessity of God's judgment against Israel (3:1-8) |
Its proclamation (3:9-15) |
Chapter 4 |
He reproves Israel for oppression (4:1-3) |
For idolatry (4:4-5) |
And for faithlessness (4:6-13) |
Chapter 5 |
A lamentation for Israel (5:1-3) |
An exhortation to repentance (5:4-15) |
The first woe of judgment (5:16-20) |
God rejects their hypocritical service (5:21-27) |
Chapter 6 |
The second woe of judgment. The wantonness of Israel (6:1-14) |
Chapter 7 |
The judgments of the grasshoppers (7:1-3) |
And of the fire, are averted by the prayer of Amos (7:4-6) |
The rejection of Israel is signified by the plumb line along the wall (7:7-9) |
Amaziah complains of Amos (7:10-13) |
Amos shows his calling (7:14-15) |
And Amaziah's judgment (7:16-17) |
Chapter 8 |
A basket of summer fruit shows Israel's end is near (8:1-3) |
Oppression is reproved (8:4-7) |
Mourning is promised (8:8-10) |
A famine of the word threatened (8:11-14) |
Chapter 9 |
The certainty of the desolation (9:1-10) |
Restoration of David's tabernacle (9:11-15) |
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The destruction of Edom (1:1-2) |
For their pride (1:3-9) |
And for their wrongs (1:10-16) |
The salvation and victory of Jacob (1:17-21) |
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Chapter 1 |
Disobedient to the first call, Jonah flees to Tarshish (1:1-3) |
He is overtaken by a tempest (1:4-10) |
He is thrown into the sea (1:11-16) |
And swallowed by a great fish (1:17) |
Chapter 2 |
The prayer of Jonah (2:1-9) |
He is delivered from the fish (2:10) |
Chapter 3 |
Obededient to the second call, Jonah, sent again, preaches to the Ninevites (3:1-4) |
Upon their repentance (3:5-9) |
God relents and does not destroy them (3:10) |
Chapter 4 |
Jonah is angered by God's unexpected mercy (4:1-3) |
And is reproved by the sign of a gourd (4:4-11) |
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Chapter 1 |
Micah shows the wrath of God against Jacob for idolatry (1:1-9) |
He exhorts them to mourn (1:10-16) |
Chapter 2 |
Against oppression (2:1-3) |
A lamentation (2:4-6) |
A reproof of injustice and idolatry (2:7-11) |
A promise to restore Jacob (2:12-13) |
Chapter 3 |
The cruelty of the princes (3:1-4) |
The false leadership of the prophets (3:5-7) |
The false security of both (3:8-12) |
Chapter 4 |
The glory (4:1-2) |
Peace (4:3-7) |
Kingdom (4:8-10) |
And victory of the church (4:11-13) |
Chapter 5 |
The birth of Christ (5:1-3) |
His kingdom (5:4-7) |
His conquest (5:8-15) |
Chapter 6 |
God's controversy with Israel, for unkindness (6:1-5) |
For ignorance (6:6-9) |
For injustice (6:10-15) |
And idolatry (6:16) |
Chapter 7 |
The church, complaining of her small number (7:1-2) |
And the general corruption (7:3-4) |
Puts her confidence not in man, but in God (7:5-7) |
She triumphs over her enemies (7:8-13) |
God comforts her by His promises (7:14-15) |
By confusion of her enemies (7:16-17) |
And by His mercies (7:18-20) |
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Chapter 1 |
The majesty of God, in goodness to His people, and severity against His enemies (1:1-15) |
Chapter 2 |
The fearful and victorious armies of God against Nineveh (2:1-13) |
Chapter 3 |
The miserable ruin of Nineveh (3:1-19) |
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Chapter 1 |
Habakkuk, complaining of the iniquity of the land (1:1-4) |
Is shown that God's vengeance will come through the Chaldeans (1:5-11) |
He complains that the Chaldeans are worse than those they punish (1:12-17) |
Chapter 2 |
Habakkuk, waiting for an answer, is shown that he must wait by faith (2:1-4) |
The judgment upon the Chaldean for greed (2:5-8) |
For covetousness (2:9-11) |
For cruelty (2:12-14) |
For drunkenness (2:15-17) |
For idolatry (2:18-20) |
Chapter 3 |
Habakkuk, in his prayer, trembles at God's majesty (3:1-16) |
The confidence of his faith (3:17-19) |
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Chapter 1 |
God's severe judgment against Judah (1:1-3) |
Causes of the judgment (1:4-13) |
Description of the judgment (1:14-18) |
Chapter 2 |
An exhortation to repentance (2:1-3) |
The judgment of the Philistines (2:4-7) |
Of Moab and Ammon (2:8-11) |
Of Ethiopia and Assyria (2:12-15) |
Chapter 3 |
A sharp reproof of Jerusalem (3:1-7) |
An exhortation to wait for Israel's restoration (3:8-13) |
And to rejoice at the people's salvation (3:14-20) |
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Chapter 1 |
Haggai reproves the people for neglecting to build the Lord's house (1:1-6) |
He urges them to the task (1:7-11) |
He promises God's assistance (1:12-15) |
Chapter 2 |
He encourages the people to work, by a promise of greater glory to the second temple (2:1-9) |
In the figure of holy things and unclean, he shows that their sins hindered the work (2:10-19) |
God's promise to Zerubbabel (2:20-23) |
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Chapter 1 |
Zechariah exhorts the Jews to repent (1:1-6) |
The vision of the horses (1:7-11) |
At the prayer of the angel, comforting promises are made to Jerusalem (1:12-17) |
The vision of the four horns and the four carpenters (1:18-21) |
Chapter 2 |
God, in His care for Jerusalem, sends a man to measure it (2:1-5) |
The redemption of Zion (2:6-9) |
The promise of God's presence (2:10-13) |
Chapter 3 |
Under the type of Joshua, the restoration of Zion is foretold (3:1-7) |
Christ the Branch is promised (3:8-10) |
Chapter 4 |
By the golden candlestick is foreshown the success of Zerubbabel's foundation (4:1-10) |
And by the two olive trees, the two anointed ones (4:11-13) |
Chapter 5 |
Visions of a flying scroll (5:1-4) |
And of a woman sitting in a bushel measure (5:5-11) |
Chapter 6 |
The vision of the four chariots (6:1-8) |
By the double crown of Joshua are shown the temple and kingdom of Christ the Branch (6:9-15) |
Chapter 7 |
The captives inquire concerning fasting (7:1-3) |
Zechariah reproves their fasting (7:4-7) |
The cause of their captivity (7:8-14) |
Chapter 8 |
The restoration of Jerusalem (8:1-8) |
The Jews are encouraged to build (8:9-17) |
Joy and enlargement are promised (8:18-23) |
Chapter 9 |
God defends His church (9:1-8) |
Zion is exhorted to rejoice for the coming of Christ and His peaceable kingdom (9:9-11) |
God's promises of victory and defense (9:12-17) |
Chapter 10 |
God to be sought, and not idols (10:1-4) |
As He punished his flock for sin, so will He save and restore them (10:5-12) |
Chapter 11 |
The destruction of Jerusalem (11:1-2) |
The elect being cared for, the rest are rejected (11:3-9) |
The staves of Beauty and Bands broken by the rejection of Christ (11:10-14) |
The example and curse of a foolish shepherd (11:15-17) |
Chapter 12 |
The figure of a cup of trembling (12:1-2) |
And a burdensome stone (12:3-5) |
The victorious restoration of Judah (12:6-8) |
The repentance of Jerusalem (12:9-14) |
Chapter 13 |
The fountain of purging for Jerusalem (13:1) |
From idolatry, and false prophecy (13:2-6) |
The death of Christ, and the victorious trial of a third part of the land (13:7-9) |
Chapter 14 |
The destroyers for Jerusalem will be destroyed (14:1-3) |
The coming of Christ, and the graces of His kingdom (14:4-11) |
The plague of Jerusalem's enemies (14:12-15) |
The remnant shall turn to the Lord (14:16-19) |
And their spoils shall be holy (14:20-21) |
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Chapter 1 |
God's complaint against Israel (1:1-5) |
Of their disrespect for religion (1:6-11) |
And profaning His name (1:12-14) |
Chapter 2 |
He reproves the priests for neglecting their covenant (2:1-10) |
And the people for idolatry (2:11-13) |
For adultery and infidelity (2:14-17) |
Chapter 3 |
Of the messenger, majesty, and grace of Christ (3:1-6) |
And the people's rebellion (3:7) |
Their robbing God of tithes and offerings (3:8-15) |
The promise of blessing to those who fear God (3:16-18) |
Chapter 4 |
God's judgment on the wicked (4:1) |
And His blessing on the good (4:2-3) |
He exhorts the people to the study of the law (4:4) |
And tells of Elijah's coming (4:5-6) |