Chapter 1
Christ prepares the apostles for His ascension and the coming of the Holy Spirit (1:1-8) |
He ascends, and two angels tell of His coming again (1:9-11) |
The apostles devote themselves to prayer (1:12-14) |
They choose Matthias in the place of Judas (1:15-26) |
Chapter 2
The apostles are filled with the Holy Spirit and witness in many languages (2:1-6) |
Their hearers are amazed (2:7-13) |
Peter preaches the Messiah crucified, risen, the worker of miracles (2:14-36) |
He baptizes three thousand converts (2:37-41) |
The apostles work miracles (2:42-43) |
The converts share all their possessions (2:44-46) |
And God adds daily to His church (2:47) |
Chapter 3
A man lame from birth is healed (3:1-11) |
Peter rebukes them for crucifying Jesus Christ (3:12-15) |
And tells the throng how the miracle was performed (3:16) |
Because they sinned through ignorance (3:17-18) |
He exhorts them to repent and seek salvation in the same Jesus Christ (3:19-26) |
Chapter 4
The rulers of the Jews, offended by Peter's sermon (4:1-2) |
Imprison him and John (4:3-4) |
Peter preaches boldly to the sanhedrin (4:5-12) |
They warn him and John to preach no more in the name of Jesus Christ (4:13-22) |
The church prays for God's help (4:23-30) |
God shows that He has heard their prayer (4:31) |
Early church voluntarily shares (4:32-37) |
Chapter 5
Ananias and Sapphira, his wife, fall dead at Peter's rebuke of their hypocrisy (5:1-11) |
The rest of the apostles work many miracles (5:12-13) |
And more believers are added to the church (5:14-16) |
The apostles are again imprisoned (5:17-18) |
But are delivered by an angel who bids them to preach openly (5:19-20) |
After they teach, accordingly, in the temple (5:21-26) |
And before the council (5:27-32) |
They are in danger of being killed, but by the advice of Gamaliel they are kept alive (5:33-39) |
And being but beaten, they glorify God and preach without ceasing (5:40-42) |
Chapter 6
The apostles, determined to neglect neither physical needs nor ministry of the word(6:1-2) |
Appoint seven chosen men as deacons (6:3-4) |
Stephen, a man full of faith and of the Holy Spirit, is one of them (6:5-11) |
Who is taken by those whom he has confounded in debate (6:12) |
And is falsely accused of blasphemy against the law and the temple (6:13-15) |
Chapter 7
Stephen, permitted to answer the accusation of blasphemy (7:1-2) |
Shows that Abraham worshipped God rightly (7:3-7) |
And tells how God chose the fathers (7:8-19) |
Before Moses was born, and before the tabernacle and temple were built (7:20-36) |
He declares that Moses himself witnessed to Christ (7:37-43) |
Stephen continues his defense, declaring with Isaiah that God does not dwell in temples made by hands (7:44-50) |
He rebukes the Jews' rebellion and murder of Christ, whose coming the prophets foretold (7:51-53) |
At this they stone him to death, as he commends his soul to Jesus and humbly prays for them (7:54-60) |
Chapter 8
Because of persecution by Saul and others in Jerusalem, the church is planted in Samaria (8:1-4) |
Philip, the deacon, who preaches and baptizes many, among whom is Simon the magician (8:5-13) |
Peter and John come to confirm and enlarge the church, where by prayer and laying on of hands the Holy Spirit is given (8:14-17) |
When Simon seeks to buy this power from them (8:18-19) |
Peter sharply reproves his hypocrisy and covetousness, and exhorts him to repent (8:20-24) |
Peter and John preach in Samaria and return to Jerusalem (8:25) |
The angel of God sends Philip to teach and baptize the Ethiopian eunuch (8:26-40) |
Chapter 9
Saul, going toward Damascus (9:1-3) |
Is stricken down to the earth (9:4-9) |
Is called by Christ to be and apostle (9:10-16) |
And is baptized by Ananias (9:17-19) |
He preaches Christ boldly (9:20-22) |
The Jews lay wait to kill him (9:23-28) |
As also do the Grecians, but he escapes both (9:29-30) |
The church is free from persecution (9:31-32) |
Peter heals Aeneas of the palsy (9:33-35) |
And restores Dorcas to life (9:36-43) |
Chapter 10
Cornelius, a devout man (10:1-4) |
At the command of an angel sends for Peter (10:5-8) |
Who, by a vision (10:9-14) |
Is taught not to despise the Gentiles (10:15-22) |
As he preaches Christ to Cornelius and his company (10:23-43) |
The Holy Ghost descends on them (10:44-47) |
And they are baptized (10:48) |
Chapter 11
Peter, being accused of eating with Gentiles (11:1-3) |
Makes his defense (11:4-17) |
Which is accepted (11:18) |
As the gospel spreads to Phenice (Phoenicia), Cyprus, and Antioch, Barnabas is sent to confirm the converts (11:19-25) |
The disciples are called Christians for the first time (11:26) |
They send relief to their Judaean brethren in time of famine (11:27-30) |
Chapter 12
Herod persecutes the Christians (12:1) |
kills James (12:2) |
Imprisons Peter (12:3-6) |
Whom an angel delivers, as the church prays (12:7-19) |
In his pride, Herod takes to himself the honor due God, is stricken by an angel, and dies miserably (12:20-23) |
After his death, the word of God prospers (12:24-25) |
Chapter 13
Paul and Barnabas are chosen for ministry to the Gentiles (13:1-5) |
Of Sergius Paulus and Elymas, the sorcerer (13:6-13) |
Paul, at Antioch, preaches Jesus as Christ (13:14-41) |
The Gentiles beg Paul to preach to them (13:42-44) |
But the Jews oppose and blaspheme (13:45) |
Whereupon Paul and Barnabas turn to the Gentiles (13:46-47) |
Of whom many believe (13:48-52) |
Chapter 14
Paul and Barnabas are driven by persecution from Iconium (14:1-7) |
At Lystra Paul heals a cripple, whereupon the apostles are reputed to be gods (14:8-18) |
Paul is stoned (14:19-20) |
Paul and Barnabas visit many churches, confirming the disciples in faith and patience (14:21-25) |
Returning to Antioch, they report what God has done through them (14:26-28) |
Chapter 15
Great dissension arises over circumcision (15:1-5) |
The apostles consult about it (15:6-11) |
Paul, Barnabas, and James testify (15:12-21) |
And send their decision, by letters, to the churches (15:22-35) |
Paul and Barnabas, planning again to visit the brethren together, have a dispute and depart separately (15:36-41) |
Chapter 16
Paul circumcises Timothy (16:1-5) |
And is called by the Spirit to Macedonia (16:6-13) |
He converts Lydia (16:14-15) |
And frees a girl of an evil spirit (16:16-18) |
For which cause he and Silas are whipped and imprisoned (16:19-24) |
The prison doors are opened (16:25-30) |
The jailer is converted (16:31-34) |
And they are freed (16:35-40) |
Chapter 17
Paul preaches at Thessalonica (17:1-3) |
Where some believe, and others persecute him (17:4-9) |
He is sent to Berea, and preaches there (17:10-12) |
Being persecuted at Thessalonica (17:13-14) |
He comes to Mars Hill in Athens, debates, and preaches the living God who is unknown to them (17:15-33) |
At which some are converted to Christ (17:34) |
Chapter 18
Paul labors with his hands, and preaches at Corinth to the Gentiles (18:1-8) |
The Lord encourages him in a vision (18:9-11) |
He is accused before Gallio, the deputy, but is dismissed (18:12-17) |
Afterwards, passing from city to city, he strengthens the disciples (18:18-23) |
Apollos, being more fully instructed by Aquila and Priscilla (18:24-27) |
Preaches Christ with great grace and power (18:28) |
Chapter 19
The Holy Spirit is given by Paul's hands (19:1-7) |
The Jews bitterly reject his teachings, which are confirmed by miracles (19:8-12) |
The Jewish exorcists (19:13-15) |
Are beaten by the evil spirit (19:16-18) |
Books on magic are burned (19:19-23) |
Demetrius, for love of profits, raises an uproar against Paul (19:24-34) |
But is quieted by the town clerk (19:35-41) |
Chapter 20
Paul goes to Macedonia (20:1-6) |
He celebrates the Lord's Supper, and preaches (20:7-8) |
Eutychus falls from the third story (20:9) |
But is restored to life (20:10-16) |
At Miletus Paul calls the elders together, tells them what shall befall him (20:17-27) |
Commits God's flock to them (20:28) |
Warns them of false teachers (20:29-31) |
Commends them to God (20:32-35) |
Prays with them and goes his way (20:36-38) |
Chapter 21
Paul cannot be deterred from going to Jerusalem (21:1-6) |
Philip's daughters are prophetesses (21:7-16) |
Paul comes to Jerusalem (21:17-26) |
Where he is seized, and in great danger (21:27-30) |
But is rescued by the chief captain (21:31-39) |
Pauls defense before the people (21:40) |
Chapter 22
Paul declares in public how he was converted (22:1-11) |
Received by Ananias (22:12-16) |
And called to the apostleship (22:17-21) |
When he mentions the Gentiles, the Jews denounce him (22:22-23) |
He is about to be scourged (22:24) |
But claims his privilege as a Roman citizen (22:25-30) |
Chapter 23
Paul pleads his cause before the sanhedrin (23:1) |
Ananias, the high priest, commands his followers to strike him (23:2-6) |
Dissension among Paul's accusers (23:7-10) |
God encourages him (23:11) |
The Jews, lying in wait for Paul (23:12-17) |
Are reported to the chief captain (23:18-23) |
He sends the apostle to Felix, the governor (23:24-35) |
Chapter 24
Paul, being accused by Tertullus, the orator (24:1-9) |
Answers for his life and teachings (24:10-23) |
He preaches Christ to Felix, the governor, and his wife (24:24-25) |
The governor hopes in vain for a bribe (24:26) |
Retiring from his office after two years, Felix leaves Paul in prison (24:27) |
Chapter 25
The Jews accuse Paul before Festus (25:1-7) |
Paul answers for himself (25:8-10) |
And appeals to Caesar (25:11-13) |
Afterwards, Festus opens Paul's case before King Agrippa (25:14-22) |
And he is brought forth (25:23-24) |
Festus clears him, as having done nothing worthy of death (25:25-27) |
Chapter 26
Paul, in the presence of Agrippa, describes his life from his childhood (26:1-11) |
And how he was miraculously converted, and called to be an apostle (26:12-23) |
Festus charges him with insanity, to which he answers quietly (26:24-27) |
Agrippa almost persuaded to be a christian (26:28-29) |
The whole company pronounces him innocent (26:30-32) |
Chapter 27
Paul, on a ship bound for Rome (27:1-9) |
Foretells the danger of the voyage (27:10) |
But his prophecy is doubted by the centurion and the ship's owner (27:11-13) |
They are tossed about by a storm at sea (27:14-38) |
And suffer shipwreck (27:39-41) |
Yet all come safely to land (27:42-44) |
Chapter 28
Paul, after his shipwreck, is kindly treated by the barbarians (28:1-2) |
The viper on his hand does not hurt him (28:3-6) |
He heals many diseases in the island (28:7-10) |
Paul's company departs for Rome (28:11-16) |
He states openly to the Jews in Rome the cause of his coming (28:17-23) |
After his preaching, some are converted and some do not believe (28:24-29) |
Yet he preaches there two years (28:30-31) |