Go To Chapter

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

Chapter 1

The genealogy of Christ from Abraham to Joseph (1:1-17)
The story of Jesus' birth (1:18-19)
Jesus is born of the Virgin Mary (1:20-25)

Chapter 2

The wise men from the East are directed to Jesus' birthplace by a star (2:1-10)
They worship Him, and offer their presents (2:11-13)
Joseph flees into Egypt with Jesus and His mother (2:14-15)
Herod slays the children (2:16-18)
and Herod dies (2:19-20)
Jesus is brought back into Galilee to dwell in Nazareth (2:21-23)

Chapter 3

John preaches: his work, life, and baptism (3:1-6)
John reprimands the Pharisees (3:7-12)
And baptizes Jesus in Jordan (3:13-17)

Chapter 4

Christ fasts, then is tempted three times (4:1-10)
The angels minister unto Him (4:11-12)
He dwells in Capernaum (4:13-16)
Begins to preach (4:17)
Calls Peter and Andrew (4:18-20)
James and John (4:21-22)
And heals all the diseased (4:23-25)

Chapter 5

Christ begins His sermon on the mount: ( The Beatitudes ) (5:1-2)
Declaring who are blessed (5:3-12)
Who are the salt of the earth (5:13)
The light of the world, the city on a hill (5:14)
And the candle (5:15-16)
He came to fulfil the law (5:17-20)
What it is to kill (5:21-26)
To commit adultery (5:27-30)
About divorce (5:31-32)
And to swear oaths (5:33-37)
He exhorts us to suffer wrong (5:38-42)
To love even our enemies (5:43-47)
And to labor for perfection (5:48)

Chapter 6

Christ continues His sermon on the mount, speaking of alms (6:1-4)
Prayer (6:5-8)
The Lord's Prayer (6:9-13)
Forgiving our brethren (6:14-15)
And fasting (6:16-18)
Where our treasure is to be kept (6:19-23)
Of serving God and mammon (6:24)
He exhorts us not to be concerned about worldly things (6:25-32)
But to seek God's kingdom (6:33-34)

Chapter 7

Christ, ending His sermon on the mount, reproves rash judgment (7:1-5)
Forbids us to cast holy things to dogs (7:6)
Exhorts us to pray (7:7-11)
The Golden Rule (7:12)
To enter in at the narrow gate (7:13-14)
To beware of false prophets (7:15-20)
To be doers of the word (7:21-23)
And to be like the man who builds his house on a rock (7:24-25)
And not on the sand (7:26-29)

Chapter 8

Christ cleanses the leper (8:1-4)
And heals the centurion's servant (8:5-13)
Peter's mother-in-law (8:14-15)
And many other diseased people (8:16-17)
Christ shows how He is to be followed (8:18-22)
He stills the tempest on the sea (8:23-27)
He drives the devils out of two demoniacs (8:28-30)
And allows them to go into the swine (8:31-34)

Chapter 9

Christ cures a paralytic (9:1-8)
He calls Matthew from the tax collector's office (9:9)
Eats with publicans and sinners (9:10-13)
And defends His disciples for not fasting (9:14-19)
He cures a woman of a bloody issue (9:20-22)
Raises Jairus' daughter from death (9:23-26)
Gives sight to two blind men (9:27-31)
And heals a dumb demoniac (9:32-35)
He has compassion on the multitude (9:36-38)

Chapter 10

Christ sends out His twelve apostles, enabling them by His power to do miracles (10:1-4)
He commands them to preach and heal the sick (10:5-15)
He fortifies them against persecutions (10:16-31)
And promises to reward those who acknowledge Him before men (10:32-39)
He promises a blessing to those who receive His apostles (10:40-42)

Chapter 11

Christ teaches and preaches in the cities (11:1)
John sends his disciples to Christ (11:2-6)
Christ's testimony concerning John (11:7-19)
Christ upbraids Chorazin, Bethsaida, and Capernaum for failing to repent (11:20-24)
And, praising His Father's wisdom in revealing the gospel to the simple (11:25-27)
He invites all who feel the burden of their sins (11:28-30)

Chapter 12

Christ reproves the blindness of the Pharisees concerning the breach of the sabbath (12:1-2)
By the Scriptures (12:3-8)
By reason (12:9-12)
And by a miracle (12:13)
Christ foils the Pharisee's plot (12:14-21)
He heals the blind and dumb demoniac (12:22-30)
Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven (12:31-35)
Account must be given of idle words (12:36-37)
He rebukes the unfaithful who seek after a sign (12:38-45)
And declares those who believe in Him to be His family (12:46-50)

Chapter 13

The parable of the sower and the seed (13:1-17)
Christ explains the parable to His disciples (13:18-23)
The parable of the tares (13:24-30)
The parable of the mustard seed (13:31-32)
The parable of the leaven (13:33-35)
The parable of the tares explained (13:36-43)
The parable of the hidden treasure (13:44)
The parable of the pearl (13:45-46)
The parable of the drawnet which was cast into the sea (13:47-50)
The parable of the householder (13:51-53)
Christ is condemned by His own countrymen (13:54-58)

Chapter 14

Herod's opinion of Christ (14:1-2)
Why John the Baptist was beheaded (14:3-12)
Jesus's departure into the desert (14:13-14)
Where He feeds a multitude with five loaves and two fish (14:15-21)
He walks on the sea to His disciples (14:22-33)
At Gennesaret, He heals the sick by the touch of His garment (14:34-36)

Chapter 15

The religious leaders criticize Christ's disciples (15:1-2)
Christ reproves the scribes and Pharisees (15:3-9)
He shows that a man is defiled by what comes out of his mouth (15:10-20)
He heals the daughter of the woman of Canaan (15:21-28)
Jesus heals many (15:29-31)
By a miracle He feeds four thousand men, plus the women and children (15:32-39)

Chapter 16

The Pharisees demand a sign (16:1-4)
Christ warns His disciples of the doctrines of the Pharisees and Sadducees (16:5-12)
The people's opinion of Christ (16:13-15)
And Peter's confession of Him (16:16-20)
Christ foretells His death (16:21-22)
Reproves Peter for seeking to dissuade Him from it (16:23)
And admonishes those who will follow Him to be ready to bear the cross (16:24-28)

Chapter 17

The transfiguration of Christ (17:1-13)
He heals the epileptic (17:14-21)
He foretells His own betrayal, death, and resurrection (17:22-23)
He pays tribute (17:24-27)

Chapter 18

Christ tells disciples to be humble as a little child (18:1-6)
To avoid temptations to sin (18:7-10)
The parable of the lost sheep (18:11-14)
He teaches how we are to deal with our brethren when they offend us (18:15-20)
And how often to forgive them (18:21-22)
Which He sets forth by a parable of the king who settled accounts with his servants (18:23-31)
And punished him who showed no mercy to his fellow servant (18:32-35)

Chapter 19

Christ heals the sick (19:1-2)
Answers the Pharisees concerning divorce (19:3-9)
And talks of marriage (19:10-12)
He receives little children (19:13-15)
Instructs the rich young man how to gain eternal life (19:16-22)
He tells His disciples how hard it is for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God (19:23-26)
And promises reward to those who forsake all else to follow Him (19:27-30)

Chapter 20

The parable of the agreed wages of the vineyard workers (20:1-16)
He foretells His passion (20:17-19)
By answering the mother of Zebedee's children, He teaches His disciples to be humble (20:20-29)
He gives two blind men their sight (20:30-34)

Chapter 21

Christ rides into Jerusalem upon an ass (21:1-11)
Drives the buyers and sellers out of the temple (21:12-16)
Curses the fig tree (21:17-22)
Puts to silence the priests and elders (21:23-27)
And rebukes them by the parable of the two sons (21:28-32)
And the parable of the wicked tenants who abused and slew those the owner sent to them (21:33-41)
The stone the builders rejected (21:42-46)

Chapter 22

The parable of the marriage of the king's son (22:1-8)
And the strangers invited to the wedding (22:9-10)
The punishment of the guest who lacked the wedding garment (22:11-14)
Tribute ought to be paid to Caesar (22:15-22)
Christ refutes the Sadducees on the resurrection (22:23-33)
He answers the lawyer as to which is the first and greatest commandment (22:34-40)
And silences the Pharisees about the Messiah (22:41-46)

Chapter 23

Christ warns the people to follow good teaching, not the evil examples of the scribes and Pharisees (23:1-4)
His disciples must beware of their ambition (23:5-12)
He proclaims eight woes, against the hypocrisy of the scribes and Pharisees (23:13-33)
He prophesies the destruction of Jerusalem (23:34-39)

Chapter 24

Christ foretells the destruction of the temple (24:1-2)
The great calamities which shall precede it ( the tribulation ) (24:3-26)
And the signs of His second coming (24:27-31)
Parable of the fig tree (24:32-35)
Because that day and hour are unknown (24:36-44)
We ought to watch like good servants expecting every moment our master's coming (24:45-51)

Chapter 25

The parable of the ten virgins (25:1-13)
The parable of the talents (25:14-30)
The description of the last judgment (25:31-46)

Chapter 26

Christ foretells His betrayal and death (26:1-2)
The rulers conspire against Christ (26:3-5)
A woman anoints His feet (26:6-13)
Judas betrays Jesus for thirty pieces of silver (26:14-16)
Christ eats the passover (26:17-25)
The Lord's super is instituted (26:26-29)
Peter's denialis predicted (26:30-35)
Jesus's three prayers in the garden of Gethsemane (26:36-46)
He is betrayed with a kiss (26:47-56)
Jesus is lead to Caiaphas (26:57-68)
He is denied by Peter (26:69-75)

Chapter 27

Christ is delivered bound to Pilate (27:1-2)
Judas hangs himself (27:3-10)
Christ is silent before His accusers (27:11-14)
Who should go free Barabbas or Jesus (27:15-18)
Pilate, warned by his wife (27:19-23)
Washes his hands of Christ's death (27:24-25)
He releases Barabbas (27:26-28)
Christ is crowned with thorns, and lead to Golgotha (27:29-33)
Jesus is Crucified (27:34-38)
And reviled (27:39-43)
Jesus dies (27:44-50)
Signs accompanying Jesus death (27:51-56)
Jesus is buried (27:57-61)
His sepulchre is sealed and watched (27:62-66)

Chapter 28

Jesus's resurrection is declared by an angel to the women (28:1-8)
He Himself appears unto them (28:9-10)
The high priests bribe the soldiers to say that He was stolen out of His sepulchre (28:11-15)
Jesus appears to His disciples (28:16-17)
And sends them to baptize and teach all nations. The Great Commission (28:18-20)

Return To The Chronology Of The Books Of The Bible


Go To Chapter

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Chapter 1

The mission of John the Baptist (1:1-8)
Jesus is baptized (1:9-11)
And tempted (1:12-13)
Jesus preaches (1:14-15)
And calls Peter, Andrew, James and John (1:16-20)
Jesus heals one who had an unclean spirit (1:21-28)
Peter's mother-in-law is healed (1:29-31)
And many others are healed (1:32-39)
He cleanses the leper (1:40-45)

Chapter 2

Christ heals a paralytic (2:1-13)
Calls Matthew from his tax collector's office (2:14)
Eats with publicans and sinners (2:15-17)
The parable of cloth and the wine bottles (2:18-22)
Controversy over Sabbath - work (2:23-28)

Chapter 3

Controversy over Jesus healing a withered hand on the sabbath (3:1-5)
Pharisees counsel to destroy Jesus (3:6-10)
He rebukes the unclean spirits (3:11-12)
Jesus chooses twelve apostles (3:13-21)
And refutes the charge that He casts out devils with the aid of Beelzebub (3:22-30)
Jesus acknowledges all who do God's will are His family (3:31-35)

Chapter 4

The parable of the sower (4:1-13)
And its meaning (4:14-20)
We must communicate the light of our knowledge to others (4:21-25)
The parable of the seed growing secretly (4:26-29)
And of the mustard seed (4:30-34)
Christ stills the tempest on the sea (4:35-41)

Chapter 5

Christ delivers the man possessed by the legion of devils (5:1-12)
They enter into the swine (5:13-20)
Jairus pleads for his daughter (5:21-24)
He heals a woman of a bloody issue (5:25-34)
And raises Jairus' daughter from death (5:35-43)

Chapter 6

Christ is unheeded by His countrymen (6:1-6)
He gives the twelve power over unclean spirits (6:7-13)
Various opinions of Christ's identity (6:14-16)
John the Baptist is beheaded (6:17-28)
And buried (6:29)
The apostles return from preaching (6:30-31)
The miracle of five loaves and two fishes (6:32-44)
Christ walks on the sea (6:45-52)
And heals all who touch Him (6:53-56)

Chapter 7

The Pharisees find fault with the disciples for eating with unwashed hands (7:1-7)
While they themselves break the commandment of God by the traditions of men (7:8-13)
Meat defiles not the man (7:14-23)
Jesus heals the Syrophenician woman's daughter (7:24-30)
And a deaf man with a speech impediment (7:31-37)

Chapter 8

Christ feeds the people miraculously (8:1-9)
And refuses a sign to the Pharisees (8:10-13)
He warns His disciples to beware of the doctrine of the Pharisees and of Herod (8:14-21)
Jesus gives a blind man his sight (8:22-26)
And acknowledges that He is the Christ, who must be killed but will rise again (8:27-33)
The price of following Christ (8:34-38)

Chapter 9

He forewarns His followers of persecution (9:1)
Jesus is transfigured (9:2-10)
He teaches His disciples about the coming of Elias (Elijah) (9:11-13)
Casts forth a dumb and deaf spirit (9:14-29)
Jesus foretells His death and resurrection (9:30-32)
He exhorts His disciples to be humble (9:33-37)
And to salute all allies in the faith (9:38-41)
Severe penalties for those who incite sin (9:42-50)

Chapter 10

Christ continues teaching the people (10:1)
He answers the Pharisees on divorce (10:2-12)
Blesses the children who are brought to Him (10:13-16)
Shows a rich man how to inherit eternal life and tells His disciples the danger of riches (10:17-27)
He promises rewards to those who forsake anything for the gospel (10:28-31)
Jesus again foretells His death and resurrection (10:32-34)
He bids the two ambitious disciples to think of suffering with Him (10:35-45)
He restores sight to Bartimaeus (10:46-52)

Chapter 11

Christ rides in triumph into Jerusalem (11:1-11)
Jesus curses a fig tree (11:12-14)
Jesus cleanses the temple (11:15-19)
Exhorts His disciples to steadfastness, to faith and to forgiveness of enemies (11:20-26)
Jesus defends the authority and legality of His actions by the witness of John, a man sent from God (11:27-33)

Chapter 12

In a parable of the vineyard rented to ungrateful tenants, Christ foretells the rejection of the Jews and the calling of the Gentiles (12:1-12)
He avoids the snare of the Pharisees and Herodians about paying tribute to Caesar (12:13-17)
Proves the error of the Sadducees about the resurrection (12:18-27)
The scribe asks Jesus which is the first commandment (12:28-34)
He refutes the scribes' opinion of Christ (12:35-37)
Bids the people to beware of the scribes' ambition and hypocrisy (12:38-40)
And commends the poor widow for giving her two mites (12:41-44)

Chapter 13

Christ foretells the destruction of the temple (13:1-4)
He foretells wars and rumors of wars (13:5-8)
And persecution for the gospel's sake (13:9)
The gospel must be preached to all nations (13:10-13)
Great calamities shall befall the Jews (13:14-23)
Jesus foretells the manner of His second coming (13:24-27)
Parable of the fig tree (13:28-31)
Since this hour is unknown, every man is to watch and pray, lest he be found unprepared (13:32-37)

Chapter 14

The conspiracy against Christ by the chief priests and scribes (14:1-2)
Precious ointment is poured on Jesus head by a woman (14:3-9)
Judas plots to betray his Master for money (14:10-11)
The passover is prepared (14:12-16)
The passover celebrated (14:17-21)
The institution of the Lord's Supper (14:22-25)
Christ foretells the flight of all His disciples, and Peter's denial (14:26-31)
Jesus prays in Gethsemane (14:32-42)
Judas betrays Him with a kiss (14:43-45)
He is apprehended in the garden (14:46-52)
And falsely accused and condemned by the sanhedrin (14:53-64)
Who shamefully abuse Him (14:65)
Peter denies Him three times (14:66-72)

Chapter 15

Christ is brought in bound and accused before Pilate (15:1-5)
Upon the clamor of the people, the murderer Barabbas is freed (15:6-14)
and Jesus is delivered up to be crucified (15:15-16)
He is crowned with thorns (15:17-18)
Spit upon, and mocked (15:19-20)
Simon the Cyrenian is compelled to carry the cross (15:21-23)
Christ is crucified between two robbers (15:24-28)
Suffers the triumphant reproaches of the Jews (15:29-38)
But is confessed by the centurion to be the Son of God (15:39-41)
He is honorably buried by Joseph (15:42-47)

Chapter 16

An angel announces the resurrection of Jesus to three women (16:1-8)
The risen Christ appears to Mary Magdalene (16:9-11)
And to two of His followers going into the country (16:12-13)
And to the eleven apostles (16:14)
Whom He sends forth to preach the gospel (16:15-18)
The ascension of Jesus (16:19-20)

Return To The Chronology Of The Books Of The Bible


Go To Chapter

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

Chapter 1

Luke's preface (1:1-4)
An angel announces the birth of John the Baptist (1:5-25)
Gabriel announces the birth of Christ (1:26-33)
Mary miraculously conceives (1:34-38)
The prophecies of Elisabeth and Mary concerning Christ (1:39-56)
The birth and circumcision of John (1:57-61)
Zacharias confirms the name given John (1:62-66)
The prophecy of Zacharias, about Christ (1:67-75)
And John (1:76-80)

Chapter 2

Augustus enrolls all the Roman Empire (2:1-5)
The birth of Jesus (2:6-7)
An angel announces it to shepherds (2:8-14)
Who journey to Bethlehem to visit Jesus (2:15-20)
Jesus is circumcised (2:21)
They bring Jesus to the temple to present Him to God (2:22-24)
Simeon prophesy of Jesus (2:25-35)
Anna's testimony (2:36-38)
Jesus returns to Nazareth (2:39-40)
Jesus celebrates the passover and discusses religious questions in the temple with the doctors (2:41-50)
Jesus is obedient to His parents, and grows in wisdom (2:51-52)

Chapter 3

The preaching and baptism of John: (3:1-14)
His testimony concerning Christ (3:15-18)
Herod imprisons John (3:19-20)
Christ, baptized, receives testimony from heaven (3:21-22)
The age and genealogy of Jesus Christ, from Joseph back to Adam (3:23-38)

Chapter 4

The temptation and fasting of Christ (4:1-12)
He overcomes the devil (4:13)
And begins to preach (4:14-15)
The people of Nazareth hear His gracious words (4:16-27)
They seek to kill Him (4:28-30)
Jesus cures one possessed of a devil (4:31-37)
Peter's mother-in-law is healed (4:38-39)
Jesus heals many other sick people (4:40)
The devils acknowledge Christ, and are reproved for it (4:41-42)
He preaches in other cities (4:43-44)

Chapter 5

Christ teaches the people from Peter's ship (5:1-3)
In a miraculous catch of fish, Christ shows how He will make Peter and his partners fishers of men (5:4-11)
Christ cleanses the leper (5:12-15)
He prays in the wilderness (5:16-17)
And heals a palsied man (5:18-26)
He calls Matthew, the tax collector (5:27-28)
Eats with sinners (5:29-32)
Jesus teaches about fasting (5:33-35)
Jesus likens faint-hearted and weak disciples to old bottles and worn garments (5:36-39)

Chapter 6

Christ reproves the Pharisees' blindness about the observation of the sabbath (6:1-11)
He chooses twelve apostles (6:12-16)
Heals the diseased (6:17-19)
And preaches of blessings and curses (The Beatitudes) (6:20-26)
He links the obedience of good works to the hearing of the word (6:27-38)
Parable of the blind leading the blind (6:39-45)
Parable of the two foundations (6:46-49)

Chapter 7

Jesus finds a greater faith in the Gentile centurion than in any of the Jews (7:1-9)
And heals his absent servant (7:10)
Jesus raises from death the widow's son at Nain (7:11-16)
and answers John's messengers with the declaration of His miracles (7:17-23)
He tells the people the high opinion He holds of John (7:24-30)
Jesus denounces the Jews, who could not be won by the methods of either John or Christ (7:31-35)
And shows, by example of the sinful woman, He is a friend to sinners (7:36-39)
Parable of the two debtors (7:40-50)

Chapter 8

During Christ's preaching mission with the twelve (8:1)
Women minister unto Him (8:2-3)
Jesus relates the parable of the sower (8:4-8)
And explains it to His disciples (8:9-15)
The parable of the candle (8:16-18)
Christ declares His kinship with all believers (8:19-21)
He rebukes the wind (8:22-25)
Casts the legion of devils out of the man, into the herd of swine (8:26-36)
And is rejected by the Gerasenes (8:37-40)
He heals a woman of a bloody issue (8:41-48)
He raises Jairus' daughter from death (8:49-56)

Chapter 9

Christ sends His apostles to work miracles and to preach (9:1-6)
Herod desires to see Christ (9:7-11)
Christ feeds five thousand (9:12-17)
Peter acknowledges Him to be the Christ (9:18-22)
Christ foretells His passion and warns of the price of following Him (9:23-26)
The transfiguration (9:27-36)
He heals the lunatic (9:37-42)
Jesus again forewarns His disciples of His passion (9:43-45)
He commends humility (9:46-50)
Samaria rejects Jesus, and he rebukes His disciples anger (9:51-56)
Many desire to follow Him, but only on their own conditions (9:57-62)

Chapter 10

Christ sends out seventy disciples at one time to work miracles and to preach (10:1-9)
And foretells judgment on the cities which refuse to receive them (10:10-16)
Jesus admonishes them to be humble, and teaches them in what things they should rejoice (10:17-20)
Jesus thanks God for His grace (10:21-24)
And teaches the lawyer how to attain eternal life (10:25-28)
The parable of the good Samaritan (10:29-37)
Christ reproves Martha and commends Mary (10:38-42)

Chapter 11

Jesus teaches the disciples how to pray (11:1-4)
Parable of the persistent friend (11:5-10)
Parable of the good father (11:11-13)
Jesus casts out a devil (11:14)
A house divided cannot stand (11:15-28)
Jesus preaches to the people (11:29-32)
Parable of the lighted candle (11:33-36)
Jesus rebukes the hypocritical show of holiness in the Pharisees, scribes (11:37-44)
and the lawyers (11:45-54)

Chapter 12

Christ tells His disciples to avoid hypocrisy (12:1-3)
And to have no fear proclaiming His gospel (12:4-12)
He warns the people to beware of covetousness (12:13-15)
The parable of the rich fool (12:16-21)
We must not be anxious about earthly things, but should seek the kingdom of GOD (12:22-34)
The parable of the expectant steward (12:35-40)
The parable of the faithful steward (12:41-48)
Jesus warns of the costs of discipleship (12:49-53)
The people discern physical, but not spiritual signs (12:54-57)
The necessity for reconciliation with our enemies (12:58-59)

Chapter 13

Christ preaches repentance and cites examples of the punishment of the Galilaeans and others (13:1-5)
The parable of the barren fig tree (13:6-10)
Jesus heals the bent and bowed woman (13:11-17)
The parable of the mustard seed (13:18-19)
The parable of the leaven (13:20-21)
Jesus exhorts them to enter in at the narrow gate (13:22-30)
and reproves Herod, along with Jerusalem (13:31-35)

Chapter 14

Jesus heals a man of dropsy on the sabbath (14:1-6)
The parable of the ambitious guest (14:7-14)
By the parable of the great supper, Christ shows how worldly men shall be shut out of heaven (14:15-24)
Many would follow Him but, learning that each disciple must shoulder his own cross, desert (14:25-33)
Christ compares the deserter to salt that has lost its savor (14:34-35)

Chapter 15

The parable of the lost sheep (15:1-7)
The parable of the lost piece of silver (15:8-10)
The parable of the prodigal son (15:11-13)
Who, after wasting his inheritance in a foreign country (15:14-19)
Returns and is reinstated by his father (15:20-32)

Chapter 16

The parable of the unfaithful steward (16:1-13)
Christ reproves the hypocrisy of the covetous Pharisees (16:14-17)
Jesus teaches on divorce (16:18)
The rich man and Lazarus, the beggar (16:19-31)

Chapter 17

Christ teaches His own to avoid occasions of offense (17:1-2)
And to forgive one another (17:3-5)
The power of faith (17:6-10)
Christ heals ten lepers (17:11-19)
Christ teaches on the second coming (17:20-37)

Chapter 18

The parable of the woman and the judge (18:1-8)
The parable of the Pharisee and the publican (18:9-14)
Children are brought to Jesus (18:15-17)
A young ruler, desiring to follow Christ, is hindered by his unwillingness to sacrifice riches and position (18:18-27)
The reward of those who leave all for Christ's sake (18:28-30)
Jesus foretells His death and resurrection (18:31-34)
Jesus restores sight to a blind man (18:35-43)

Chapter 19

Jesus and Zacchaeus, a tax collector (19:1-10)
The parable of the ten pounds (19:11-27)
Christ rides into Jerusalem in triumph (19:28-40)
Jesus weeps over the city (19:41-44)
Jesus drives the buyers and sellers from the temple (19:45-46)
He teaches there daily, unharmed because the rulers fear the people (19:47-48)

Chapter 20

Christ assert His authority by asking a question about John's baptism (20:1-8)
The parable of the wicked vineyard husbandmen (20:9-18)
The question of giving tribute to Caesar (20:19-26)
He silences the Sadducees, who deny the resurrection (20:27-40)
How Christ is the son of David (20:41-44)
He warns His disciples to beware of the scribes (20:45-47)

Chapter 21

Christ commends the poor widow, who only gave a mite (21:1-4)
He foretells the destruction of the temple (21:5-7)
Signs of Christs coming (21:8-19)
Destruction of Jerusalem (21:20-24)
The signs of the last day, and the second coming of Jesus (21:25-28)
The parable of the fig tree (21:29-33)
Jesus exhorts the people to be watching for his return (21:34-38)

Chapter 22

The Jews conspire against Christ (22:1-2)
Satan prepares Judas to betray Him (22:3-6)
The apostles prepare the passover (22:7-13)
The passover is celebrated (22:14-18)
Christ institutes the Lord's Supper (22:19-20)
And in veiled words foretells the traitor (22:21-23)
The desciples argue over who is the greatest (22:24-30)
Jesus predicts Peter's denial (22:31-34)
Jesus predicts coming conflict (22:35-38)
Jesus prays in the garden of Gethsemane, and sweats blood (22:39-46)
Jesus is betrayed with a kiss (22:47-49)
He heals Malchus' ear (22:50-51)
Jesus is arrested (22:52-53)
Peter denies that he is a follower of Jesus, three times (22:54-62)
Jesus is shamefully beaten and abused (22:63-65)
Jesus confesses Himself to be the Son of God before the sanhedrin (22:66-71)

Chapter 23

Jesus is accused before Pilate and sent to Herod (23:1-7)
Herod mocks Jesus (23:8-11)
Herod and Pilate become friends (23:12)
Barabbas is freed by Pilate, and Christ is delivered to the people for crucifixion (23:13-25)
He tells the women who mourn Him, of the forthcoming destruction of Jerusalem (23:26-33)
Jesus prays for His enemies, including the rulers and the soldiers who mock Him (23:34-38)
Two malefactors are crucified with Him (23:39-45)
Jesus death (23:46-49)
Jesus burial (23:50-56)

Chapter 24

Christ's resurrection is declared by two angels to the women who come to the sepulchre (24:1-8)
The women report it to the others (24:9-12)
Christ appears to two disciples on the way to Emmaus (24:13-32)
Proof of Jesus resurrection (24:33-35)
Afterwards He appears to the apostles and reproves their unbelief (24:36-43)
The Great Commission (24:44-48)
Jesus promises the Holy Spirit (24:49)
And ascends into heaven (24:50-53)

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