Prayer  Requests

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Pray For Those Who Do Not Have
The Peace, Knowledge, And
Salvation Of Jesus Christ
In Their Lives.

September 11th, That Date shows up as 911 ,
The Emergency Phone Number
Do You Think GOD is Trying to Tell us Something?

Why did GOD allow 9/11 to Happen?
Click Here for the Answer.


I know not by what methods rare,
But this I know, GOD answers prayer;

I know not if the blessing sought,
Will come in just the guise I thought;

I leave my prayer to Him alone,
Whose will is wiser than my own.

by Eliza M. Hickok


On display in the French Academy of Science is a shoemaker's awl.

It looks ordinary, but behind that little awl are both tragedy and victory.

It fell one day from the shoemaker's table and put out the eye of his nine-year old son.

Within weeks the child was blind in both yes, and had to attend a special school for the sightless.

At that time the blind read by using large carved wooden blocks that were clumsy and awkward to handle.

The shoemaker's son, when he grew up, devised a new reading system of punched dots on paper.

And to do it, Louis Braille used the same awl that had blinded him.

Tragedy will come into each of our lives, but we can choose how it affects us.

When it strikes, some of us ask,
Why did God allow this to happen?"
Others ask,
"How will God use it?"

Father, even when we do not understand
Your purposes, help us to seek Your will.

Patricia Houck Sprinkle
Daily Guideposts 1979

If You are Struggling with something,
bring it to the Lord in Prayer.

The Hymn That Always Comforts Me Is,

"What A Friend We Have In Jesus"

Joseph M. Scriven, 1855
Charles C. Converse, 1868 ERIE

What a friend we have in Jesus,
All our sins and griefs to bear!
What a privilege to carry
Everything to God in prayer!
Oh, what peace we often forfeit,
Oh, what needless pain we bear,
All because we do not carry
Everything to God in prayer!

Have we trials and temptations?
Is there trouble anywhere?
We should never be discouraged
Take it to the Lord in prayer.
Can we find a friend so faithful,
Who will all our sorrows share?
Jesus knows our every weakness;
Take it to the Lord in prayer.

Are we weak and heavy-laden,
Cumbered with a load of care?
Precious Savior, still our refuge
Take it to the Lord in prayer.
Do thy friends despise, forsake thee?
Take it to the Lord in prayer!
In His arms He'll take and shield thee,
Thou wilt find a solace there.

Blessed Savior, Thou hast promised
Thou wilt all our burdens bear;
May we ever, Lord, be bringing
All to Thee in earnest prayer.
Soon in glory bright, unclouded,
There will be no need for prayer
Rapture, praise, and endless worship
Will be our sweet portion there.

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Prayer  Requests

Please be in Prayer for the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. As a country our morals are sliding ever faster into a pit from which it will be very hard to recover from.
I do not understand why the LORD has allowed this to happen.

But, I Do Know That His Plan Is Perfect, and I Trust Him.

Maybe this is how the LORD is going to wake up this country.

Pray that this ministry will continue to grow and spread GOD'S word around the world.
Please pray for Revival in your country, the United States, and the world !
Pray for the leaders of Israel, that they will receive wisdom and courage, and that the people of Israel will come to know the LORD and not stray from him.
October 24, 1996

Please pray for Dorian M. in Placerville California. She has turned her back on the LORD and is delving into witchcraft. Please join with me in asking the LORD to open her heart and eyes. Thank You Very Much!
December 21, 2006

Sara, Daughter, Gone from family, into Witchcraft!!!!!!!
Please also Pray that the LORD will open the hearts and eyes of Norma and Michael who are followers of satan.
November 2, 2008

Please pray that my former husband, Jerry, is delivered out of witchcraft, and away from Virgina, a tarot card reader he left me for 15 years ago. I have not seen him since.
August 10, 2010

My name is Deborah. i live in, oregon. i am not saved. need prayer for deliverance of evil spirits in me. my spirit is possessed. i can control what's happening in the spiritual realm thru dreams i have. im scared and need help asap. please also pray that soul ties are broken between me and woman name patsy, who lives in, florida. may her spirit return to her and my spirit return to me.

Here  Are  The  Latest  Prayer  Requests

July 31, 2024

Please pray for my family.

God Bless you.

July 31, 2024

Please Pray for Trump's safety, and the Lord's will in the upcoming election.

I have been hearing from different sources that there will be another attempt to assassinate Trump.

Please also Pray that the United States will return to the Lord !

Thank You !

July 31, 2024

Please pray for me Mufide R. for healing of my soul, body, spirit, mind and house and my finances and family very urgently. And for God's Will for me and for my family and for F. Arda R. and for all my dear ones Please!!!!

And for Ali and İsmail R brothers for healing of diabetic and all side affects.

And for my sister Fevziye R and my brother Tahsin R. and all my brothers. God's Will.

And for Hatay province and CH party in Hatay and in whole Turkey and its leaders Ozgur Ozel and all its leaders and the Church in Turkey. And for God's will be done.

God will Bless you.
Mufide R.

May 31, 2024

I have sever problems in my left hip, and is very painful. I have an appointment with an Orthopedic Surgeon, but the appointment is not until June 27. ( 28 days away ) Please pray that Pain Management will be able to control my pain, and that the Orthopedic Surgeon will be able to fix what ever is wrong with my hip.

Thank You !
May God Bless You Richly,

January 28, 2024

Please pray for me Mufide R and for my brothers Faruk, Irfan, erif, Tahsin and all my brothers and my sister Fevziye R and for her brothers Ali, Ismail R and all my dear ones for and our possessions and our lands for God's Will in our lifes.

God will Bless you.
Mufide R.


November 19, 2023

For Jesus sake please pray for me Mufide and my brothers Serif, Ali and Irfan R and all my dear family members and all my intentions and FOR FEVZIYE my SISTER and for her brothers Tahsin, FARUK, Ismail R. for physical, spiritual, financial healing and for God's will. And for all those I ought to pray for. God will Bless you.

Mufide R
November 19, 2023

Please Pray for Israel's protection, and for the innocent people in Gaza.

October 17, 2023

Please Pray for Israel's Safety and Protection during this time of war, and that Peace will come soon !
October 17, 2023

Please pray for healing of my sister Fevziye who is in hospital now in my country and for healing of my legs, knees, blood circulation, nerve system, hip, head, eyes, ears, teeth, bones, lower abdomen and lower back and all spiritual and physical and financial and accomodation and religious, Holy vocations and other problems. And for forgiveness, conversion, Divine Mercy, healing, Gifts of Holy Ghost, restoration, Blessings and protection of my family and myself and all I ought to pray for. And for my brothers Ali, Faruk and Tahsin, Irfan, Ismail, Serif and all my nieces and nephews and all dear ones and my Sister Fevziye R. for God's Will.

And please pray for my brother Serif and for Reneks Mermer for Divine Blessing and God's Will and for my brother Tahsin R for God's will.

And for God's will for my family trees and all Alewi people and Antioch/Hatay and Ch Party for God's Will. God will reward you.

Mufide R.
October 4, 2023

Please pray for the souls of all my dear family.
And for me Mufide Mary R. and my family and all my brothers and sisters and all my dear ones, dear relatives and my dear people, for healing, forgiveness, long life, Divine Mercy, conversion, baptism, blessing, protection, Gifts of Holy Ghost, holy life, religious life and salvation. For Kingship of Jesus Christ in our lifes, in my country and in the world. And for B. E. and his team. for victory. God will Bless you for all your prayers and sacrifices for us.

Mufide R.

August 24, 2023

Please be in Prayer for All Christians around the World.
Many are being persecuted and killed for their Faith in Jesus Christ !
August 24, 2023

Please pray for healing of my legs, knees, blood circulation, nerve system, hip, head, eyes, teeth, bones, lower abdomen and lower back and all spiritual and physical and financial and accomodation and religious, Holy vocations and other problems. And for forgiveness, conversion, Divine Mercy, healing, Gifts of Holy Ghost, restoration, Blessings and protection of my family and myself and all I ought to pray for. And for my brothers Ali, Faruk and Tahsin, Irfan, Ismail, Serif and all my nieces and nephews and all dear ones and my Sister Fevziye R. for God's Will.
And please pray for my brother Serif and for Reneks Mermer for Divine Blessing and God's Will.
And for my brother Tahsin R for God's will.
I beg your prayers for all I ought to pray for.
And for God's will for my family trees and all Alewi people and Antioch/Hatay and Ch Party and their leaders and for Kemal Kilicdargolu for God's Will. God will reward you. Mufide R.

June 26, 2023

Please be in Pray for a family in Maine, who's house blew up.
Everyone escaped before the explosion.
They now have nothing, Pray that the Lord will provide for their needs.

May 24, 2023

Please be in Prayer for, ( I am not listing his name for his safety ) a missionary in India.
Christians are being persecuted and killed for their Faith in Jesus.
Last week over 200 Churches were burned down.
More Than 10,000 are homeless, and more than 500 are dead.
Please Pray for these people, their Safety, Faith, Witness, and that the Lord will use them in a mighty way.

May 24, 2023

Please be in Prayer for the USA, satan and his minions are doing so much damage, Especially to the youth !
Please Lord OPEN their eyes so that they may see what is going on.
May 24, 2023

Please I need your prayers for my my sister Fevziye R and all her brothers and sisters and all those I ought to pray for to be washed in the Blood of Lord Jesus Christ and filled with the Holy Ghost and for forgiveness, healing, Divine Mercy, long lifes, Blessings, protection, God's will and salvation. And for me Mufide Mary R and all my needs and for the Kingship of Jesus Christ in our lifes and in the world. God will reward you for all your sacrifices and prayers for us In the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ.

Mufide Mary R
May 1, 2023

Please pray for Gifts of Holy Ghost and Holy FAITH and long life for my sister Fevziye and all her brothers.

And for Divine help for me and all my needs and in repairing my broken down cars and getting new one no Machanic problems. And for a new and very Blessed accomodation. In the Name of Lord Jesus Christ. God Will reward you.

Mufide Mary R.

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